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Big Problems Courses, 2024-25

Alternate Reality Games: Theory and Production

Patrick Jagoda (Cinema & Media Studies)

Heidi Coleman (Theater & Performance Studies)

To apply, submit writing through the online form:


Communicating Science: For Peers and the Public

Paul Sereno (Organismal Biology and Anatomy)

Chana Haouzi (Architecture)

Jeremy Manier (Communication and Public Affairs)


Disability and Design

Michele Friedner, Comparative Human Development

Jennifer Iverson, Music


Harm Reduction and HIV Prevention in the Overdose Era

Harold Pollack (Social Services Administration)

John Schneider (Global Health)


Moving Objects, Dispersed Cultures: Case Studies from China and the Middle East

Wei-Cheng Lin, Art History

Cecilia Palombo, Middle Eastern Studies


Sense & Sensibility & Science @UChicago

Reid Hastie (Business)

Jordan Kemp (Physics)


Sensing the Anthropocene

Jennifer Scappetone (English)

Amber Ginsburg (Visual Arts)​


Thinking Psychoanalytically: From the Sciences to the Arts 

Anne Beal (Social Sciences)


Understanding Practical Wisdom

Anne Henly (Psychology)

Howard Nusbaum (Psychology)


Urban Design with Nature

Sabina Shaikh (Environmental Studies)

Emily Talen (Urban Studies)


Water Water Everywhere?

Susan Gzesh, Social Sciences

Abigail Winograd, Neubauer Collegium


Why aren't humans replacing themselves? What are the consequences?

Dorian Abbot (Geophysical Sciences)

Anup Malani (Law)

Anchor 5

Big Problems Courses, 2023-24

Abortion: Morality, Politics, Philosophy

Jason Bridges (Philosophy)

Dan Brudney (Philosophy)


Are we doomed? Confronting the End of the World

James Evans (Sociology)

Daniel Holz (Physics)


Digitizing Human Rights

Nicholas Briz (Media Arts and Design)
Jennifer Spruill (Social Sciences)


Disability and Design

Michele Friedner (Comparative Human Development)

Jennifer Iverson (Music)


Drinking Alcohol: Social Problem or Normal Cultural Practice?

Michael Dietler (Anthropology)

William Green (Neurology)


From Fossils to Fermi's Paradox: Origin and Evolution of Intelligent Life

Paul Sereno (Organismal Biology)

Sarah London (Psychology)

Leslie Rogers (Astronomy)


People in Motion: Rethinking Transit in Chicago and Beyond

Evan Carver (Environment, Geography, and Urbanization)

Luke Joyner (Architectural Studies)


Reimagining Our Future: Past, Present and Future of Campus-Neighborhood Relations

Paul Sereno (Organismal Biology)

Chris Skrable (Chicago Studies)


Sense & Sensibility & Science @UChicago

Reid Hastie (Business)

Jordan Kemp (Physics)


Sustainabilty and Computing

Andrew Chien (Computer Science)

Luis Bettencourt (Ecology and Evolution)


Understanding Practical Wisdom

Anne Henly (Psychology)

Howard Nusbaum (Psychology)


Urban Design with Nature

Sabina Shaikh (Environmental Studies)

Emily Talen (Urban Studies)


​Water Water Everywhere?

Susan Gzesh (Social Sciences)
Abigail Winograd (Art History)

Anchor 4

Big Problems Courses, 2022-23

Alternate Reality Games: Theory and Production

Patrick Jagoda (Cinema & Media Studies)

Heidi Coleman (Theater & Performance Studies)
To apply, submit writing through the online form


Diasporic Narratives and Memories

Olga Solovieva (Comparative Literature)

Bozena Shallcross (Slavic Languages & Literatures)


Disability and Design

Michele Friedner (Comparative Human Development)

Jennifer Iverson (Music)


Sensing the Anthropocene

Jennifer Scappetone (English)

Amber Ginsburg (Visual Arts)​


Topics in Medical Ethics

Dan Brudney (Philosophy)


Understanding Practical Wisdom

Anne Henly (Psychology)

Howard Nusbaum (Psychology)


Urban Design with Nature

Sabina Shaikh (Environmental Studies)

Emily Talen (Urban Studies)


​Water Water Everywhere?

Susan Gzesh (Social Sciences)

Anchor 3

Big Problems Courses, 2021-22

Diasporic Narratives and Memories

Olga Solovieva (Comparative Literature)

Bozena Shallcross (Slavic Languages & Literatures)


Digitizing Human Rights

Jennifer Spruill (Social Sciences)

Nick Briz (Media Arts and Design)


Disability and Design

Michele Friedner (Comparative Human Development)

Jennifer Iverson (Music)


Drinking Alcohol: Social Problem or Normal Cultural Practice?

Michael Dietler (Anthropology)

William N. Green (Neurobiology)


Food: From Need to Want, or, Ethics and Aesthetics

Laura Letinsky (Visual Arts)


Narrating Migration

Josephine McDonagh (English Language & Literature)

Vu Tran (Creative Writing and English Language & Literature)


Sensing the Anthropocene

Jennifer Scappetone (English)

Amber Ginsburg (Visual Arts)


Thinking Psychoanalytically: From the Sciences to the Arts 

Anne Beal (Social Sciences)


Urban Design with Nature

Sabina Shaikh (Environmental Studies)

Emily Talen (Urban Studies)


What Does it Mean to be Free to Speak?

Andreas Glaeser (Sociology)

Genevieve Lakier (Law School)

Anchor 1

Big Problems Courses, 2020-21

Are we doomed? Confronting the End of the World

James Evans (Sociology)

Daniel Holz (Astronomy & Astrophysics and Physics)

Border Crossings: Reading and Making the Literature of Migration

Maud Ellmann (English Language & Literature)

Rachel DeWoskin (English and Creative Writing)


From Fossils to Fermi’s Paradox: Origin and Evolution of Intelligent Life

Paul Sereno (Organismal Biology and Anatomy)

Leslie Rogers (Astronomy)

Sarah London (Psychology)


Thinking Psychoanalytically: From the Sciences to the Arts
Anne Beal (Social Sciences)


Topics in Medical Ethics

Daniel Brudney (Philosophy)


Understanding Practical Wisdom

Anne Henley (Psychology)

Howard Nusbaum (Psychology)


Urban Design with Nature

Sabina Shaikh (Environmental Studies)

Emily Talen (Urban Studies)

Anchor 2

Big Problems Courses, 2019-20


Urban Design with Nature

Sabina Shaikh (Environmental Studies)
Emily Talen (Urban Studies)


Climate Change in Media and Design
Patrick Jagoda (Cinema & Media Studies)
Benjamin Morgan (English)

Disability and Design

Michele Friedner (Comparative Human Development)
Jennifer Iverson (Music)

How Does It Feel to Be an Outlier? Narratives of Medical 'Otherness'
Peggy Mason (Neurobiology)
Nora Titone (Court Theater)


Medical Ethics: Central Topics

Daniel Brudney (Philosophy)


Drinking Alcohol: Social Problem or Normal Cultural Practice?
Michael Dietler (Anthropology)
William N. Green (Neurobiology)

Science and Christianity
Dorian Abbot (Geophysical Sciences)
Daniel Fabrycky (Astronomy & Astrophysics)
Lea Schweitz (Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago)


Thinking Psychoanalytically: From the Sciences to the Arts

Anne Beal (Social Sciences)


Understanding Practical Wisdom
Anne Henly (Psychology)
Howard Nusbaum (Psychology)


For more detailed information about past and current course offerings, please download the Big Problems section of the college course catalog.

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